Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Another Month

It's hard to believe another month has flown by. I get so caught up in my daily life I sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses put in front of me. It seems like I haven't had much time to just reflect on my life again.

This last month has seemed to just make me a busier person. The kids are in homeschool and doing well. Rick has applied for a leadership program at work. Hopefully, next month I will be able to report whether or not he was accepted. If he is, it will be a two year process. *Fingers crossed for him*. My son has joined the Upward football team at church and has baseball practice every other week. Amber & I are coaching Upward cheerleading with our church as well. The entire family is also in some sort of class on Wednesday night at church as well. In the process of all this, Rick & I have finished our PS-MAPP classes for adoption.

I am so thankful for this last part. I didn't realize how quickly 10 weeks would go by. I met many great people and hope they continue down this path. After the class, I realized so many had come into this class like us, wanting to open their hearts and find out what adoption and foster care was all about. We learned many things and it gave us a great chance to practice using some of what we learned on our children! I feel like God is continuing to open doors and lead us towards His plan. Currently, our background checks are being done. Getting to this step, with the application for adoption turned in also, has been a big relief for me. I know we still have a long ways to go but I'm so happy with where we are right now.

Also, in the last month, I gave my testimony to several women at a gathering. The same night I did that, another woman gave her testimony. It's so hard to believe that even though we are apart in age and have never met, our stories were almost identical! Occassionally, I think about that and wonder how God is so glorious to bring us through our "not so great" times and bring glory to Himself. I loved hearing her and what she went through. I felt like we were sisters and we would always share that bond. I haven't seen her since but I know God is watching out for her!

Now, please excuse my rambling, I'm not 100% sure where to go from here. I have many thoughts right now and am trying to process them as fast as they are coming in. God gives you encouragement when you need it and when He does, it can be a bit overwhelming. It is on my heart to pray for a few gals tonight. He knows what their situations are and I know He will keep them. He love is so merciful and bountiful I have a hard time grasping that thought. He knew these girls would need prayer and he made sure they were at our class tonight. I love that he does that! Praise God for his wonderful faithfulness!!

As I continue to read the Bible, I am learning so much! The study I am working on presented a happiness for my heart. Last night I was up way past my bedtime. However, I couldn't get it out of my head that God wants my best first. Let me say that again...God wants MY BEST---FIRST. It says in our Bible, we are to give God our firstfruits. Giving him the best at all times. It made me realize that means our time, money, attention, and affection. Many times, I will often give him what I have left. I'm not giving him what I have in the beginning. Often, as I financially struggle, I find I don't give him my money for fear of not being able to make it. Recently, my husband felt convicted that we needed to get our financial affairs in order. I said ok but to be honest, I wasn't sure how this was going to work out. A few days later, I felt this overwhelming nudge that he was right. It's a very humbling experience when that happens. I'm not sure why this is playing out the way it is, but I know that it's God's timing and His path I need to continue on.

I leave you with a new challenge. Pick one of the items mentioned above and give God your firstfruits. It doesn't have to be money. Pick one though--time, money, attention, or affection. Pray and ask God which it is he is craving from you. As you do this, write down for your eyes only, how you feel throughout this process. Look back in a month. Do you feel closer to HIM? Can you see him working in your life, even if it's a very small way? Do you find yourself wanting to spend more time with HIM? I will be praying for you and hope you will do the same for me.

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