Tuesday, January 8, 2013


My house is quiet. This is not a normal thing. As I sit here and begin to put my thoughts to the computer journal I can't help but be a little melancholy.

Over the Christmas break we had some changes happen. While I love homeschooling my children, it wasn't agreeing with my oldest. For the last month or so she had been having a hard time staying focused. It would literally take 7 days to complete 5 days worth of work. She took breaks ALL the time and we argued a lot. It was very hard for me to enjoy being with her during "school" hours. After those times, during our free or family time, she was a WHOLE NEW person. This child asked my husband and I if she could return to school. Every fiber of my being screamed NO! How can I give my baby girl to a school that will not love her as much as I do or "baby" her through classes that are too hard?

Yesterday, I took her to the middle school in our area and had a tour with her. I am a worried mother. However, I found the principal, assistant principal, counselor, and a teacher were as comforting to me as they were to her. They took the time to answer my questions and talk with her over the changes that would be made. After about 1 hour there, I made the decision (with hubby's support) to allow her to go to middle school. While my daughter was ecstatic this morning, I had to say a prayer over her to make me feel better.

We read the Bible and prayed before we left the house. As I sit here, I wonder how God thinks over us everyday. What does He say about where we go? Who we talk to? Our interactions throughout our days and lives? I'm reminded of a verse that I have wrote of before: Jeremiah 29:11. Only He knows what the plans are for my daughter and my family. I am going to be strong in that and TRUST HIM.

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