Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Deeper in Love

Let's be honest here. I don't make resolutions for a new year because I have a very hard time keeping them. I thought about making a resolution to lose weight, but I'm happy with the weight I'm at. Then I thought about making a resolution to just be more active. Obviously, that's not going to happen!!

As you can see, I'm not good at making resolutions. I'm kind of like that person who says they'll try to do better. This year however, I have decided I'm just going to allow God to mold me even more into HIS image. This could be a year where I hurt deeply. I am not a perfect person. I struggle just like everyone else does and sometimes feel my pain is the worst it has ever been. After last year, I wonder how I will be molded and changed. Of course, I ask this knowing that I will find out in December of this year.

I would like to say that I could encourage everyone through this year but at times I may need that encouragement too. There are many changes I know about and I'm sure just as many I don't. One of the devotional calendars I have gave me this to ponder on:

    "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17
     January 1 became generally recognized as the beginning of the year in the 1500's with the adoption of the Gregorian calendar. In the United States, the holiday is traditionally considered to be a time to take stock of one's life and to make resolutions for the coming year.
     The best way for believers to celebrate each New Year's Day is to resolve to live more like the new creation that the apostle Paul sys we are. Once we accept the sacrifice that Christ made on our behalf, we enter into the New Covenant and God begins a new work of creation in us. He gives us a new heart, a new self, and a new song. We're called to have new attitudes and a new lifestyle. As we grow, God brings new opportunities for service and teaches us new truths." (The One Year On This Day-calendar of 365 Devotions on Intriguing Events that Happened--Dianne Neal Matthews)

So, while again, I'm not good at resolutions, I fully RESOLVE to fall deeper in love with Christ and allow him to mold, change, shape, and paint me the way HE chooses.

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