Friday, May 25, 2012

Values--Something for LIFE

Almost everyone I talk to knows my husband left last month to go on a business trip. What most people don't know is how much of an impact it has had on our family!

When Rick came home from Indiana, I knew there was something different about him. He seemed to walk taller, think bigger, and smile a whole lot more. The kids and I missed him so much. Then he began to tell me some of the things that happened while he was there. The things that stuck with me were the amount of food they had, how big their rooms were, and the values they had to come up with. I didn't realize how much this would have an impact though until weeks later. Fast forward a few weeks...

Last night, we did something as a family we have never done before. We sat down for a family meeting. I knew it was coming because Rick had said he wanted to but the kids had no idea. Earlier in the week, Rick had asked me about setting up family values for us. Thinking it was a good idea, it would be nice to have the kids involved. This was an awesome thing we were going to do.

The kids, Rick, and myself all sat down in our front room with a piece of paper and a pen. Rick explained what was going to happen. We wanted each person to think of 5-10 values and we would vote on them for our family. There were so many to choose from. Believe it or not, there was also many of the same. However, when all was said and done, we chose 4 that suit our family. We chose: Faith, Loyalty, Growth, and Positive.

This morning, I struggled with being positive. I don't know exactly why but I felt so inadequate as a mother and a wife. I didn't realize then but I was being attacked by Satan. During this time, I cried, yelled, hit the shower (literally). It took Rick praying over me in order for me to "snap" out of it! After that, my day got SO much better! The day was a long one with so many activities with my kids and my husband! What a blessed day I had today!

The values we set may take a while to fully take effect but they are so worth it! My son can tell us what each value means to him and so can my daughter. I find that as I think about what they mean, Growth, has come to mean so much to me. I pray that I never become stagnant in my walk with Christ. I pray that whoever reads this will find encouragement. I also want for those who don't know Christ as their Savior, to question me, my family, anyone they come into contact with what it means to have Jesus save them. Remember, even personal values can have a tremendous impact on you!

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