Sunday, April 29, 2012

Meditation & Peace

Before I sat down today, I did quite a bit of reading. I've been a few days out of reading my Bible. I feel so much more at peace when I do though! The verse I found most interesting to me today is Philippians 4:8-9.

"Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worth of praise, dwell on these things. The things  you learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

This is what I'm going to try and do. I am trying to look back over the last week and see what I can meditate on the would bring me the "God of peace". It has been an exhausting week. Last week we learned my husband would be out of town for 3 days--the longest he's been anywhere away from me and my children. So Saturday and Sunday were spent pretty much as family days. I am so thankful for those days I had with him. Monday was business as usual-watching a little girl for a friend, going to my college class, making supper for my family. Then he hubs needed to make sure we had everything for his trip on Wednesday. We made several trips to the store that night. Even though we were running around, I found it calming to be doing the boring mundane things with him. Tuesday, I spent most of the day with my sister-in-law and her daycare. I also decided that day that I was going to shop for groceries by ad-matching and couponing. (I later found out, this is not an easy task) That night, we had ball practice and came home and my hubby finished packing, he was leaving the next morning.

As R & I went to breakfast, I had a hard time not crying. I knew I would be fine but I felt like I was losing a part of me for three days. I also knew I would be solely responsible for everything our children would need the next few days. The days went fine but we all looked forward to hearing from him each night! It was the highlight of our day and we went to bed almost immediately after that call each night. I now have a greater respect for husbands and wives of those in the military that are gone for months or years at a time.

As I look over those days and realize that not even a tornado threat could disturb me, I see that I did have God's peace with me. I took each day step-by-step, second-by-second. The truth was, R would be home in a very short amount of time. I learned, by the love God has for me, anything is possible. My children can learn to be without a parent for a few days and that it is healthy. While my heart will drop for a few seconds, if I focus on what is true, and what is praiseworthy, the God of peace will be with me; although, I wasn't sure at first ;-)

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